Resources that May Help

Capitol Hill Church is more than a building. We are a family and part of the body of Christ. Yet we all experience seasons when we need help with something. Many times we help each other just by pointing one another in the right direction to get the assistance, guidance or information we need. Whatever your need, Capitol Hill offers resources that may help. 

Bible Study


Disciple of the Month Nomination

FRANgelism Sign Up


Music Interest

Pastoral Care

Spiritual Care

Facility Rental and Building Use

Referral Assistance

Small Groups


  • CHC e-Newsletter, Weekly Update. Sign up at Here.
  • Words of the Week - To get a Monday morning inspirational message, a word spoken in due season, how good it is! (Proverbs 15:23). Send your name and email address to Elder Johari Rashad at: to sign up.

Need Other Resources?

If you're not finding the resources you need, email or call the office at 202-543-1344. You may also use the contact form below.
