Where Kindness is Intentional
We can’t wait to see you at Capitol Hill SDA Church! Whether you’re a first-time guest or a returning guest, we welcome you to come worship with us! You can expect a warm smile and kindness from our greeters in the lobby and our members during the worship services, whether you are in person or online.
Services on Saturday (Sabbath)
We have multiple services on Saturdays (Sabbath) to meet your spiritual needs.
9:30 am: Adults (IN PERSON/ONLINE)
10:00 am: Young Adults (VIRTUAL ONLY)
10:30 am: Children and Teens (IN PERSON 2nd/4th SABBATH)
Bible School (Sabbath School) offers an intimate, small group setting to learn what the
Bible says, discuss the Bible with others and hear different points of view
regarding questions posed in the study guide, the Sabbath School Quarterly. Weekly, Bible School is held in person in the sanctuary and online for adults. On the 2nd and 4th Sabbaths, Bible School is held in person in the sanctuary for children on the lower
level. It is held online every Sabbath. All Children’s Bible School instructors have undergone training and
background checks.
Download the latest Sabbath School Quarterly
11:30 am Livestream Worship Experience (In person and Virtual)
Worship service which includes prayer, readings, fellowship, praise and worship, and the Word of God. This Spirit-filled service is great for those seeking a deeper worship experience, in person with others or virtual with a robust online church community. This service ends about 1:30 pm.
Service on Wednesdays
We have a virtual mid-week service on Wednesdays to meet your spiritual needs.
7:00 pm Bible Study for Adults
“Wednesdays in the Word” is an interactive, virtual Wednesday service that includes a host and co-host, prayer requests, shout outs, special music, a thought-provoking study of the Bible, and for certain topics, a multi-generational panel for further discussion of the topic. It is designed to teach you Biblical principles and how to apply them to everyday situations you face. The service ends about 8:15 pm.
What to Wear
Come as you are. Although you will see lots of dresses and suits at Capitol Hill, you may see some in jeans and sneakers, too. So feel comfortable in whatever you wear during worship.
Fellowship Lunch (2nd and 4th Sabbaths)
The fellowship lunch is served on 2nd and 4th Sabbaths although capacity is still limited due to safety guidelines. Guests can join us for a delicious, hot lunch, held in the Fellowship Hall on 2nd Sabbaths, or receive a grab-and-go bag lunch on 4th Sabbaths. During the lunch we can get to know you better! Please note lunch is not served on holiday weekends, Communion, and Acts of Kindness Days.
We are located in the historic Capitol Hill neighborhood where there is free street parking in the blocks surrounding the church. Parking is most plentiful on Saturdays before 11:00 a.m. Please ensure you carefully observe all parking signs.
Church Shuttle (Cancelled Indefinitely)
Shuttle transportation has been cancelled indefinitely. When available, District of Columbia residents must be within a three (3) mile radius. Please contact the church office at 202-543-1344 during office hours or email info@capitolhillsdachurch.org at least two (2) days prior if you will need transportation to attend the service.
Elevator Access
The church has an elevator and is wheelchair accessible for those who use a wheelchair, scooter, walker, or have other accessibility needs. Please let the deacons stationed outside or one of the greeters know if you need assistance.
Hearing Impaired Accommodations (Suspended indefinitely)
The Saturday 11:30 am worship service has been interpreted in ASL (American Sign Language) by skilled interpreters prior to the pandemic. It has been suspended indefinitely. But the online version may be transcribed for those who need accommodations. For more information about hearing impaired accommodations, please send an email to info@capitolhillsdachurch.org.