2024 - 2025 Academic Year
Purpose of subsidy: A subsidy is provided for school-aged children, pre K – 12th grades, attending a Seventh-day Adventist school to encourage and support access to Adventist Christian Education for Capitol Hill Seventh-day Adventist Church members.
Subsidy Eligibility: Both parents/guardians must be members of the Capitol Hill Seventh-day Adventist Church and in good and regular standing. If parents are divorced, at least one parent must be a member of Capitol Hill SDA. If the child is baptized the child’s membership, along with both parents, must be at Capitol Hill SDA in order to receive the subsidy.
Parents/Guardians must contribute to tithe and offering on an on-going basis to the Capitol Hill Seventh-day Adventist Church. A minimum contribution of $500.00 into the combined budget per child, per academic year is recommended. Your subsidy status is subject to periodic review by the Treasurer
In addition, children benefiting from subsidy are required to participate in church activities and must participate in one or more of the following ministries of the Capitol Hill Seventh-day Adventist Church:
- Pathfinders
- Adventurers
- Ushers
- Deacons/Deaconess
- Homeless Ministry
- Community Service Ministry
- Music and Worship Arts
- Audio Visual Ministry
- Sabbath School (helping to coordinate, take part in and attend)
- AYS (helping to coordinate, take part in and attend)
Consistent church attendance is also required. If you or the student have not attended regularly or have not met the other requirements within the past year, we request that you do not apply. The deadline to apply is Sunday - August 4, 2024.