2nd Annual

2nd Annual "Day of Nutrition and Fitness"
March 22
6:45 AM to 8:15 PM

Take your health and fitness to the next level! Join Capitol Hill and people all over the U.S. for the 2nd Annual "Day of Nutrition and Fitness" on Wednesday, March 22. See the schedule of events below.

"Day of Nutrition and Fitness" Schedule

6:45 a.m.: Morning Devotional, Pastor Elijah Stanley

7:00 a.m.: Fitness Classes, Michaela Carter

12 noon: Panel discussion on Adventist Health message on Healthy living (Nutrition and Fitness)

  • Teddy Allen (moderator)
  • Dr. Philip Wesley (CHC Associate Pastor)
  • Dr. Lydia McClain, MD (Pulmonologist, NIH. CHC/Healthy Lifestyles Elder)
  • Dr. Anthony Medley (Allegheny East Health Ministry Leader)

 6:00 p.m.: Cooking session, Anelise Antunes, Nutritionist & CHC Healthy Lifestyles Ministry Leader

 7:00 p.m.: - Wednesdays in the Word, Building on The Rock: Adventism on Nutrition and Movement (the basics)

  • Dr. Anthony Medley, speaker
  • Host, Dr. Emil Peeler, CHC Senior Pastor
  • Co-host Anelise Antunes, Nutritionist & CHC Healthy Lifestyles Ministry Leader

FMI: Anelise Antunes at health@capitolhillsdachurch.org

